(805) 604-4100 ext. 6

Haven Hills, Domestic Violence, & Ray Rice


Pines Laurent, LLP is a strong supporter of Haven Hills, the largest provider of domestic violence shelter and supportive services in the San Fernando Valley.  Managing partner Donna A. Laurent proudly serves on the Haven Hills’ Board of Directors and as the President of the Board of Directors.

Recent video footage showing Baltimore Raven’s running back Ray Rice punching and rendering unconscious his then fiancée Janay Palmer has brought attention to the tragic cycle that is domestic violence. As Donna Laurent points out,  “Domestic violence occurs every single day in every single community.”

Haven Hills counselors were recently on the news discussing domestic abuse and the Ray Rice incident. You can view the NBC 4 interview here and the Fox 11 interview here.

Donna is honored to have an active role with Haven Hills, an organization that “provides life-saving safety and support to countless women and children every single day.”  Please join Donna in supporting this incredible local organization by donating here.